Lines to Sir Cuthbert Sharp
by Sir Walter Scott
Forget thee! No! my worthy fere!
Forget blithe mirth and gallant cheer!
Death sooner stretch me on my bier!
Forget thee? No.
Forget the universal shout
When ” canny Sunderland” spoke out:
A truth which knaves affect to doubt:
Forget thee? No.
Forget you? No: though nowaday
I ‘ve heard your knowing people say,
” Disown the debt you cannot pay,
You ‘ll find it far the thriftiest way” —
But I? — O no.
Forget your kindness found for all room,
In what, though large, seemed still a small room,
Forget my Surtees in a ball-room:
Forget you? No.
Forget your sprightly dumpty-diddles,
And beauty tripping to the fiddles,
Forget my lovely friends the Liddells:
Forget you? No