Ross Priory, 11-13 July 2022

Ross Priory, 11-13 July

Tuesday 12 July

Martin Montgomery – War, culture wars and the difficulties

(or limits) of journalistic neutralism

Angela Smith – Lolling on the benches: Political Thinking

with Nick Robinson’s podcast and the enhancement of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s

effete masculinity

Andrea McDonnell – It wasn’t me: Discursive self-cleaving

in celebrity sexual misconduct trials

Marianna Patrona – Snapshots from an information war:

propaganda, intertextuality & audience design in the Russia-Ukraine

conflict (via Zoom)

Joanna Thornborrow – Neutralism and shifting participatory

frameworks in French broadcast political debates

Max Modell – Redefining the Political Interview: Actively

avoiding adversarialism and managing audience expectations on the

Political Thinking with Nick Robinson podcast (via Zoom)

Paddy Scannell – 30 years of broadcast talk

Wednesday 13 July

Wu Xiaoping and Richard Fitzgerald– Internet memes and

health communication in the time of COVID (via Zoom)

Daniel Debing Feng and Martin Montgomery – “Thank You for

Your Participation”: Expressing Gratitude in the Closings of QQ-based

Group Discussion (via Zoom)

Michael Higgins – Have you seen the latest Mick Lynch?

Remarks on media performance

Mats Ekström, Åsa Kroon and Emil Östlund –The live two-way

from the war in Ukraine: Epistemic claims and the balancing of commitments

to factuality in news reporting (via Zoom)