Selected publications by group since 2000
Burger, M., Thornborrow, J. and Fitzgerald, F. (eds) (2017) Discours des réseaux sociaux: enjeux publics, politiques et médiatiques. Bussels: deboeck.
Chovanec, Jan (2016) “Eavesdropping on media talk: Microphone gaffes and
unintended humour in sports broadcasts.” Journal of Pragmatics 95,
Chovanec, Jan (2016) “‘It’s quite simple, really’: Shifting forms of
expertise in TV documentaries.” Discourse, Context & Media 13 (A),
Chovanec, Jan (2017) “Interactional humour and spontaneity in TV
documentaries.” Lingua 197, 34–49.
Chovanec, Jan (2017) “Participating with media: exploring online media
activity.” In: Cotter, Colleen and Daniel Perrin. The Routledge Handbook
of Language and Media. Abingdon: Routledge, 505–522.
Chovanec, Jan (2018) “Laughter and non-humorous situations in TV
documentaries.” In: Tsakona, Villy and Jan Chovanec (eds.) The Dynamics
of Interactional Humor: Creating and negotiating humor in everyday
encounters. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins,155–179.
De Blasio, E., Hibberd. M., Higgins, M., Sorice, M. 2012, La Leadership Politica: Media e Costruzione del Consenso. Roma: Carocci
Drake, P. and Higgins, M. 2012. “Lights, camera, election: celebrity, performance and the 2010 leadership debates”, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 14(3), pp. 375-391
Ekström, M and Moberg, U (2014) “‘Welcome to participate!’: Host activities and caller’s position in Swedish election campaign phone-ins in the 1970s and the 2000s”, Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism. doi:10.1177/1464884914536841
Ekström M, Eriksson, G and Kroon Lundell (2013) “Live co-produced news: emerging forms of news production and presentation on the web”, Media, Culture and Society, 35(5) 620–639.
Kroon, Lundell, A and Ekström, M (2013) ”Interpreting the news: Swedish correspondents as expert sources”, Journalism Practice, doi:10.1080/17512786.2013.802490
Ekström, M and Fitzgerald, R (2013) Groundhog day: Extended Repetitions in Political News Interviews. Journalism Studies. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2013.776812
Ekström M, Eriksson, G, Johansson, B and Wikström, P (2013) “Biased interrogations? A multi-methodological approach on bias in election campaign interviews”, Journalism Studies. 14(3): 423-439.
Ekström, M and Eriksson, G (2013) Citizen participation in journalist discourse: Multi-platform political interviews in the Swedish election campaign 2010. In: Ekström, M and Tolson, A (eds.) Media Talk and Political Elections in Europe and America. Palgrave.
Ekström, M and Tolson, A (2013) (eds.) Media Talk and Political Elections in Europe and America. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Ekström, M (2012) “Gaze work in political media interviews”, Discourse and Communication 6(3): 249-271.
Ekström, M (2011) “Hybridity as a resourse and challenge in a talk show political interview. In: Ekström, M and Patrona, M (eds.) 2011 Talking Politics in Broadcast Media. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
Ekström, M and Kroon Lundell, Å (2011) “Beyond ‘the broadcast news interview’: Specialized forms of interviewing in the making of television news”, Journalism Studies, 12(2): 172-187.
Ekström, M and Kroon Lundell, Å (2011) “The joint construction of a journalistic expert identity in studio interactions between journalists on TV news”, Text and Talk 31(6): 661-681.
Ekström, M (2009) “Announced refusal to answer: A study of norms and accountability in broadcast political interviews” Discourse studies. 11(6): 681-702.
Ekström, M (2009) “Power and Affiliation in Presidential Press Conferences: A study on interruptions, jokes and laughter”, Journal of Language and Politics. 8(3): 386-415.
Ekstrom, Mats and Patrona Marianna eds (2011) Talking Politics in Broadcast Media, Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Ekström, M (2015) Political Interviews. In Tracy, K, Ilie, C and Sandel, T (Eds) International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Boston: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ekström, M (2015) Press Conference. In Mazzoleni, G (Ed) International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ekström M and Tolson A. (2017) “Political Interviews: Pushing the boundaries of ‘neutralism’ “ in M. Ekstrom and J. Firmstone (eds) The Mediated Politics of Europe: A Comparative Study of Discourse. London: Palgrave Macmillan forthcoming.
Ekstrom M. and Tolson A. (2017) “Citizens taking politics in the news: Opinions, attitudes and (dis)engagement” in M. Ekstrom and J. Firmstone (eds) op.cit.
Eriksson, Göran (2009) The Management of Applause and Laughter in Live Political Interviews, Media, Culture & Society, 31(6): 901-920.
Eriksson, Göran (2010) Politicians in celebrity talk show interviews: the narrativization of personal experiences. Text & Talk 30 (5): 529–551.
Eriksson, Göran (2011) Follow-up questions in political press conferences. Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (14): 3331–3344.
Eriksson Göran (2011) Adversarial Moments: A Study of Short-form Interviews in the news. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism 12(1): 51–69.
Eriksson, Göran (2014) “See the error of your ways”: Belligerent expertise and the curative power of ‘tough love’. International Journal of Cultural Studies 17(6): 573–589.
Eriksson, Göran (2015) Ridicule as a strategy for the recontextualization of the working class: A multimodal analysis of class-making on Swedish reality television. Critical Discourse Studies 12(1): 20-38.
Eriksson, Göran (2016) The ‘Ordinary-ization’ of Televised Cooking Expertise: A Historical Study of Cooking Instruction Programmes on Swedish Television. Discourse, Context and Media 13 (2016) 29-39.
Eriksson, Göran and Eriksson, Mats (2012) Managing Political Crisis: An Interactional Approach to “Image Repair” in Political Press Conferences. Journal of Communication Management 16 (3): 264–279.
Eriksson, Göran and Östman, Johan (2013) Cooperative or adversarial? Journalists’ enactment of the watchdog function in political news production”. International Journal of Press/Politics 18(3): 304–324.
Eriksson, G. and Thornborow, J. (eds) (2016) ‘Forms of mediated expertise’ Special Issue, Discourse, Context, Media (13).
Fitzgerald, Richard, and Housley, W. (2007) Talkback, Community and the Public Sphere (special issue on talkback radio) Media International Australia incorporating Cultural Policy. No 122 P150-163.
Fitzgerald, R. and Thornborrow, J. (2017) ‘I’m a Scouser’: Membership Categories and Political Geography in the 2015 UK Election Call Phone-in. Journal of Language and Politics 16 (1): 40-58.
Haarman, Louann (2009) Decoding codas: evaluation in reporter and correspondent news talk. In: L. Haarman e L. Lombardo (eds). Evaluation and stance in War News: A linguistic analysis of American, British and Italian television news reporting of the 2003 Iraqi war. Londra: Continuum, (pp.116-139).
Haarman, Louann (2009) With L. Lombardo. Introduction. In: L. Haarman e L. Lombardo (eds). Evaluation and Stance in War News: A linguistic analysis of American, British and Italian television news reporting of the 2003 Iraqi war. Londra: Continuum, (pp. 1-26).
Haarman, Louann (2008) Metodologia di una ricerca linguistica sulla rappresentazione del conflitto in Iraq nel 2003. Uno studio comparativo preliminare BBC/RAI. In: V. Fortunati, D. Fortezza, M. Ascari. Conflitti. Strategie di rappresentazione della guerra nella cultura contemporanea. Roma: Meltemi, (pp.141-149).
Haarman, Louann (2006) The Construction of Stance in BBC Television Coverage of the Iraqi War. In: John Flowerdew, Maurizio Gotti (eds.) Studies in specialised discourse. Bern: Peter Lang (pp.181-205).
Haarman, Louann (2004) John, what’s going on? Some features of live exchanges on television news, 2004. In A. Partington, J. Morley, L. Haarman (eds), Corpus and discourse. Bern: Peter Lang (pp. 71-88).
Hamo, Michal, Kampf, Z., & Shifman, L. (2010). Surviving the “mock interview”: Challenges to political communicative competence in contemporary televised discourse. Media, Culture & Society, 32(2), 247-266.
Hamo, Michal. (2006) Caught between freedom and control: “Ordinary” people’s discursive positioning on an Israeli prime-time talk show. Discourse & Society, 17(4), 427-446.
Higgins, Michael and Angela Smith (2011). ‘Not one of U.S.: Kate Adie’s report of the 1986 U.S. bombing of Tripoli and its critical aftermath’, Journalism Studies. Vol. 12 no. 3
Higgins, Michael; Martin Montgomery; Angela Smith; Andrew Tolson (2012). ‘Belligerent broadcasting and makeover television: professional incivility in Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares’, International Journal of Cultural Studies. Vol. 15: no. 5 pp501-518
Higgins, Michael and Angela Smith (2012). ‘Strategy, evasion and development in the live two-way: Kate Adie reporting from the Saudi Desert in the 1991 Gulf War.’ Journal of War and Culture Studies. Vol. 5; No. 2 pp203-218
Higgins, M. (2013), “Governmentality, populism and empowerment: David Cameron’s rhetoric of the big society”, in R. Scullion, R. Gerodimos, D. Jackson and D. Lilleker (eds) The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 58-70
Higgins, M and Smith, A. (2011), “Not one of US: Kate Adie’s report of the 1986 US bombing of Tripoli and its critical aftermath”, Journalism Studies 12(3), pp. 344-358
Higgins, M. and Smith, A. (2014) ‘Belligerent broadcasting: antagonism in media talk’, (July 2014).
Higgins, M. and Smith, A. (2017) Belligerent Broadcasting: synthetic argument in broadcast talk. Abindgon: Routledge.
Hutchby, I. (2001) ‘Confrontation as a spectacle: The argumentative frame of the Ricki Lake show.’ In A. Tolson (ed.), Television Talk Shows: Discourse, Performance, Spectacle. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Hutchby, I. (2001) ‘Witnessing: The use of first-hand knowledge in legitimating lay opinions on talk radio.’ Discourse Studies, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 481-497.
Hutchby, I. (2004) ‘Conversation analysis and the study of broadcast talk.’ In R. Sanders and K. Fitch (eds.), Handbook of Language and Social Interaction. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Hutchby, I. (2006) Media Talk: Conversation Analysis and the Study of Broadcasting. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Hutchby, I. (2011) ‘Doing non-neutral: Belligerent interaction in the Hybrid Political Interview.’ In M. Ekstrom and M. Patrona (eds.), Talking Politics in the Broadcast Media. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Huls, Erica and Varwijk, Jasper (2011) Political bias in TV interviews Discourse and Society 22 (1)
Jaworski, Adam, Fitzgerald, Richard, Constantinou, O. (2005) Busy saying nothing new: live silence in TV reporting of 9/11. Multilingua 24 121-144.
Jaworski, Adam, Fitzgerald, Richard, Morris, D. (2003) Certainty and Speculation in Broadcast News Reporting of the Future: The Execution of Timothy McVeigh. Discourse Studies. 5(1)
Kampf, Z. & Dasksal, E. (2011). ‘When the watchdog bites: Insulting
politicians on air’ in: M. Ekström and M. Patrona (Eds.), Talking Politics
in the Broadcast Media: Evolving Forms of Journalism and Political
Accountability (pp. 177-200). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Kampf Z. & Daskal, E. (2013). ‘Too hostile, too deferential: Processes of
media answerability in the wake of political interviews’. Journalism 14(4),
Kampf, Z. (2015).’The politics of being insulted: the uses of hurt feelings
in Israeli public discourse’. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict
3(1), 107-127.
Kroon Lundell, Asa (2010) Dialogues between journalists on the news: the intraprofessional ‘interview’ as a communicative genre, Media Culture and Society 32 (3) p429-450
Kroon, Lundell, A and Ekström, M (2010) ” Interview bites’ in television news production and presentation”, Journalism Practice, 4(4): 476-491.
Kroon Lundell, Åsa (2014). ‘Cross-platform television: Superliveness, metadiscourse and complex audience orientation in a sports journalism production on the web.’ Northern Lights. Vol. 12; No.1 pp. 11-28
Kroon, Åsa and Eriksson, Göran (2016). ‘Messy interviews: Changing conditions for politicians’ visibility on the web.’ Media Culture and Society.
Liebes, T , Kampf, Z, & Blum-Kulka, S. (2008). Saddam on CBS and Arafat on
IBA: Addressing the enemy on television. Political Communication, 25(3),
Liebes, T. & Kampf, Z. (2009). Performance journalism: The case of media’s
coverage of war and terror. The Communication Review, 19(3), 239-249.
Marriott Stephanie (2009) The Audience of One: Adult Chat TV and the Architecture of Participation, Screen 50 (1)
Marriott Stephanie (2007) Live Television: Time Space and the Broadcast Event, London: Sage Publications.
Marriott Stephanie (2007) The BBC, ITN and the Funeral of Princess Diana, Media History 13 (1) p93-110.
Marriott Stephanie (2007) American Election Night and the Journalism of Assertion, Journalism: Theory, Practice, Criticism 8 (6) p698-717
Marriott, Stephanie (2007) Time, Space and Television Commentary in S Goodman and D Graddol eds, Redesigning English: New Texts, New Identities Routledge/Open University Press.
Marriott, Stephanie (2000) Election Night Media, Culture and Society 22 p131-148
Marriott, Stephanie (2002) In Pursuit of the Ineffable: How television found the Eclipse but lost the plot, Media, Culture and Society 23 p725-742
Moberg, Ulla and Eriksson, Göran (2013) Managing ideological differences in joint political press conferences: A study of the strategic use of the personal pronoun ‘we’. Journal of Language and Politics 12(3): 315–334.
Montgomery, Martin (2007)The Discourse of Broadcast News London: Routledge.
Montgomery, Martin (2010) “Rituals of personal experience in television news interviews” in Discourse & Communication May 2010 vol. 4 no.2, 185-213 (special issue co-edited with Joanna Thornborrow)
Montgomery, Martin (2008) “The discourse of the broadcast news interview: a typology” in Journalism Studies, Volume 9, No. 2, April 2008, Pp. 260-278. (Reprinted in Richardson, John (ed.) (2010) Language and Journalism London:Routledge
Montgomery, Martin (2006) “Broadcast news, the live ‘two-way’ and the case of Andrew Gilligan” in Media, Culture & Society , Vol 28(2): 233-259
Montgomery, Martin (2005) “The discourse of war after 9/11” in Language and Literature, Vol 14(2): 149 – 180
Montgomery, Martin (2001) “Defining authentic talk” in Discourse Studies, Vol 3(4): 397-405.
Montgomery, Martin (2001) “The uses of authenticity: ‘speaking from experience’ in a U.K election broadcast” in The Communication Review, Vol 4: 447-462.
Montgomery, Martin (2009)“The television news interview: questions of discourse” in Allan, S (ed) The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism London: Routledge
Montgomery, Martin (2000) “Televised talk: face work, politeness and laughter in The Mrs Merton Show” in Coulthard, Malcolm, Cotterill and Rock (eds.) (2000): Dialogue Analysis: Working with dialogue. Tübingen: Niemeyer, pp 121 – 137.
Montgomery, Martin (2008) “DJ talk” in in HUTCHBY, I (ed) (2008) Methods in Language and Social Interaction London: Sage (Reprint of “DJ talk” in Media, Culture and Society, Vol 8 (1986) 421-40)
Montgomery, Martin (In press – November 2010) “Media of communication” in Hogan, Patrick (ed.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 474 – 476
Montgomery, Martin (Forthcoming) “The accountability interview, politics and change in UK public service broadcasting” in Ekström, Mats and Patrona, Marianna (eds) Talking Politics in the Broadcast Media: Evolving Forms of Journalism and Political Accountability Amsterdam:John Benjamins
Montgomery, Martin (2012) “News Discourse” in Hyland, Ken and Partridge, B. (eds.) The Companion to Discourse Analysis London: Continuum
Patrona, M. and Thornborrow, J. (2017) Mediated constructions of crisis. In M. Ekström and J. Firmstone (eds) The Mediated Politics of Europe: A comparative study of discourse. London: Palgrave.
Richardson, Kay (2010) Multimodality and the study of popular drama Language and Literature Vol 19 No 4
Richardson, Kay (2010) Television Dramatic Dialogue: A Sociolinguistic Study, New York: Oxford University Press.
Richardson, Kay (2008) Specific debate formats of mass media, In Koller V and Wodak R eds Vol 3: Language and Communication in the Public Sphere, Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter
Scannell, Paddy (2013) Television and the meaning of ‘live’ Cambridge: Polity Press
Scannell, Paddy (2004) What reality has misfortune?, Media Culture & Society 26 (3).
Scannell, Paddy (2003) The Brains Trust: a historical study of the management of liveness In Simon Cottle (ed.) Media Organisations and Production. London: Sage
Scannell, Paddy (2002) Big Brother as a television event, Television and New Media 3(3): 271-282
Smith, A. and Higgins, M. (2012) Reporting war: Special issue of Journal of War and Culture Studies 5(2)
Smith, A. and Higgins, M. (2014) ‘Disaffiliation and belonging: Twitter and its agonistic publics’. Sociologia e Politiche Sociali, vol. 17, 2/2014, pp. 77-89. (October 2014)
Smith, A. (2015) ‘Big Sister TV: humiliation and bullying in make-over shows’ in eds Angela Smith and Claire Nally (2015) Twenty-First Century Feminism. London: Routledge
Smith, A. and Higgins, M. (2016) ‘Flirtation, desire, and cut-glass biscuit barrels: expertise and acting ordinary in Antiques Road Trip’ Discourse, Media, Context. Co-written with Michael Higgins. 14.
Thornborrow, J. 2000. Principal, Plausibility and the Historic Present: The Construction of Conflicting Accounts in Public Participation TV. Language in Society, 29 (3), 357-377.
Thornborrow, J. 2001. Authenticating talk: building public identities in audience participation broadcasting. Discourse Studies, 3 (4), 459-479.
Thornborrow, J. 2001. Questions, control and the organisation of talk in calls to a radio phone-in. Discourse Studies, 3 (1), 119-143.
Thornborrow, J. 2001. ‘Has this ever happened to you?’: Talk Show Narratives as Mediated Performance. In Tolson A. (ed) TV Talk Shows: Discourse, Performance, Spectacle. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 117-137.
Thornborrow, J. 2007. Narrative, stance and situated argument in talk show discourse. Journal of Pragmatics. 39/8: 1437-1454.
Thornborrow J. 2010 ‘Going Public’: Constructing the personal in a television news interview’ Discourse and Communication, 4 (3) 1- 19.
Thornborrow, J 2010. Questions and institutionality in public participation broadcasting. In Freed & Ehrlich (eds) ‘Why do you ask?’: The function of questions in Institutional Discourse. Oxford: OUP, pp279-298.
Thornborrow J. (2014) “You’ve made our day!”: Social interaction, promotional discourse and UK university recruitment on Twitter. In D. Banks (ed) La linguistique de la petite annonce, Paris: Harmattan.
Thornborrow, J. (2014) The Discourse of Public Participation Media: from Talk Show to Twitter. London: Routledge
Thornborrow, J. (2015) “You’ve made our day!”: Social interaction, promotional discourse and UK university recruitment on Twitter. In D. Banks (ed) Aspects linguistiques de la petite annonce, Paris: L’Harmattan, pp 137-155,
Thornborrow, J. (2015) ‘Style, key and the new poetics of television news’. In ‘Traversées/ Crossings’ Études de Stylistique Anglaise, 7, Édition Université de Lyon 3, pp 121-140.
Thornborrow, J. (2016) Evaluation and expertise: The discourse of reality television competition scores. Discourse, Context, Media. (13): 61-71.
Thornborrow, J. (2017) ‘Styling the ‘Ordinary’: Tele-factual genres and participant identities’. In J. Mortensen, N. Coupland and J. Thøgersen (eds) Style, Mediation and Change: Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Talking Media. Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics. Oxford University Press, pp 143-164.
Thornborrow, J. (2017) The interactional spaces of social media: ethics, method and research practice. In M. Burger, J. Thornborrow, and R. Fitzgerald (eds) (2017) Discours des réseaux sociaux: enjeux publics, politiques et médiatiques. Bussels: Deboeck, pp 43-62.
Thornborrow, J. and Fitzgerald, R. 2002. From problematic object to routine ‘add-on’: dealing with emails in radio phone-ins. Discourse Studies, 4 (2), 201-223.
Thornborrow, J. and Fitzgerald, R. (2013) ‘Grab a pen and paper’: Interaction v. interactivity in a political radio phone-in. Journal of Language and Politics 12 (1): 1- 28.
Thornborrow, J. and Haarman, L.(2012) Backstage activities as frontstage news. European Journal of Communication 27 (4): 376-394
Thornborrow, J. and Haarman, L. (in press). Genre and cultural style in TV news coverage of the European elections 2014. In M. Ekström and J. Firmstone (eds) The Mediated Politics of Europe: A comparative study of discourse. London: Palgrave.
Thornborrow, J, Haarman, L and Duguid, A. (2012) Discourses of European Identity in British, Italian and French TV News. In P. Bayley and G. Williams (eds) Europe: What the Media Say, Oxford: OUP
Thornborrow J. and Montgomery M. (eds) 2010. Discourse and Communication 4 (3) Special Issue: Personalisation in Broadcast News.
Thornborrow, J. and Morris, D. 2004. Gossip as strategy: the management of talk about others on reality TV show ‘Big Brother’. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 8 (2) 246-271.
Thornborrow J. and Tolson A. (2017) “Different views of Europe in TV news reports” in M. Ekstrom and J. Firmstone (eds) op.cit.
Thornborrow J and van Leeuwen T. (eds) 2001 Discourse Studies, Special Issue: Authenticity in Media Discourse. (This issue appears as one of the ‘most-quoted’ volumes in the journal’s citation rankings.)
Tolson, Andrew (2006) Media Talk: Spoken discourse on radio and TV (Edinburgh University Press)
Tolson, Andrew ed. (2001a), Television Talk Shows: Discourse, Performance, Spectacle (Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Tolson Andrew (2001b). Authentic Talk in Broadcast News: The Construction of Community, The Communication Review, Vol 4 p463-480.
Tolson Andrew (2001c) ’Being Yourself’: the pursuit of authentic celebrity”, Discourse Studies, Vol 3 p443-457.
Tolson, Andrew (2010) ‘A new authenticity? Communicative practices on YouTube’. Critical Discourse Studies Vol 7 no. 4 pp 277-289
Tolson A. (2011) “Political Discourse in TV News: Conversational presentation and the politics of ‘trust’”, in M. Ekstrom and M. Patrona eds., Talking Politics in Broadcast Media: Cross-cultural perspectives on political interviewing, journalism and accountability. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Tolson A. (2011) “I’m Common and my talking is quite abrupt’ (Jade Goody): Language and Class in Celebrity Big Brother. in Skeggs B and Wood H eds., Reality Television and Class London: BFI.
Tolson A (2012) “You’ll need a miracle to win this election” (J. Paxman 2005): Interviewer assertiveness in UK general elections 1983-2010, Discourse, Context and Media Vol 1 No 1
Tolson A. (2013) “Moments of Truth: Telling it like it is on The Jeremy Kyle Show” in Lorenzo-Dus N and Garces-Conejos Bitvich P. (eds) Real Talk: Reality Television and Discourse Analysis in Action. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Tolson A. (2013) “The Telegenic Politician? Communication strategies in the UK Election 2010 Party Leader Debates” in M. Ekstrom and A. Tolson A (eds)., Media Talk and Political Elections in Europe and America. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Tolson A. (2014) ‘Media Talk Shows’ in J Wright (ed) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd edition, Oxford: Elsevier)
Tolson A. (2014) “Hope Springs Eternal: The Illusions and Disillusions of Political Celebrity” in P. D. Marshall and S. Redmond eds The Companion to Celebrity Studies (Blackwell-Wiley).
Tolson A. (2015) “The history of television celebrity: a discursive approach”, Cultural Studies Vol 6 No 3 314-354.
Tolson A., (2016) “”’Proper football people’: Talking soccer on Sky Sports News”, Discourse, Context and Media. Vol 11, 12-18.
Tolson A. (2016) “English Television News Coverage of the Scottish Referendum”, in N. Blain, D. Hutchison with G. Hassan (eds), Scotland’s Referendum and the Media: National and International Perspectives, Edinburgh: EUP.
Tolson A. (2017) Polarised Politics and Personalisation: Coverage of the EU referendum on British TV news in F. Leon-Solis, A Ridge Newman and H O’Donnell (eds) EU Referendum and the Media: National and International Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Tolson, A. and Thornborrow J. (2017). Different views of Europe in TV news reports. In M. Ekström and J. Firmstone (eds) The Mediated Politics of Europe: A comparative study of discourse. London: Palgrave.
Wood Helen (2009) Talking With Television: Women, Talk Shows and Modern Self-Reflexivity University of Illinois Press, Urbana.
Wood, Helen (2005) ‘Texting the Subject: Women, Television and Modern Self-reflexivity’ Communication Review 8:2 pp.115-135.
Wood, Helen (2007) ‘The Mediated Conversational Floor: An interactive approach to audience reception analysis’. Media, Culture and Society 29(1): 75-103.
Wood, Helen (2001) ‘’No, YOU Rioted!’: The Pursuit of Conflict in the Management of Expert and Lay Discourses on Kilroy’ in, Tolson, A. Television Talk Shows: Discourse, Performance, Spectacle,Lawrence Erlbaum, New Jersey.
Wu, Xiaoping (Alice) (2017) “Reframing and the Transformation of Stance in New Translation of News on China-Japan Dispute”. Language and Intercultural Communication: 1-18.
Ytreberg, Espen (2011) The Production of Mediated Performance, In Vicki Meyer ed Blackwell’s International Companion to Media Studies: Production, Oxford: Blackwell.
Ytreberg , Espen (2010) The Question of Calculation: Erving Goffman and the pervasive planning of communication, In Michael Hviid Jacobsen (ed) The Contemporary Goffman, London: Routledge (pp293-312)
Ytreberg, Espen (2009) Extended liveness and eventfulness in multi-platform reality formats, New Media and Society 11(4): p467-485
Ytreberg, Espen (2007) Small talk makes a big difference: recent developments in interactive, SMS-based television, Television and New Media 8(3): p213-234
Ytreberg, Espen (2006) Premeditations of performance in recent live television: a scripting approach to media production studies, European Journal of Cultural Studies 9 (4) p421-440
Ytreberg, Espen (2004) Formatting participation within broadcast media production, Media, Culture & Society 26 (5): p677-692
Ytreberg, Espen (2002) Erving Goffman as a theorist of mass media Critical Studies In Media Communication 19(4) p481-497
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