2004 seminar

Roskilde University, Denmark

30th September – 2nd October

Thursday 30th September

Trudy Haarman

“The construction of point of view in BBC coverage of Iraqi war”

Shoshana Blum-Kulka and Michal Hamo

“Conversational formats in Israeli prime time news”

Friday 1st October

Peter Lunt

“The language of Regulation, analyzing the policy documents of the financial services authority, UK”

Tamar Liebes-Plesner

“Viewing and reviewing audiences. Changing discourses in communication research”

Paddy Scannell

“‘Live’ and recorded. At Home with the Archbishop of Canterbury”

Espen Ytreberg and Arnt Maasø

“Participant framework in SMS-based TV”

Saturday 2nd October

Kay Richardson

(No title yet, but about humour in the scripted dialogue of West Wing)

Ib Poulsen

“The Addressing Voice”