2021 seminar

Monday 5 July (welcome and introduction session)

Opening remarks and presentation by Martin Montgomery

Tuesday 6 July


Xiaoping Wu and Richard Fitzgerald – An experiment in collective action through the creative use of Chinese memes as part of a mobilised nationalist campaign

Jan Chanovec – Regional cooking on regional TV: Downscaling the gourmet experience.

Asa Kroon – Pandemic pastime? Moose migration on slow TV


Andrea O’Donnell – Not talking with the candidates: Affect and parasocial engagement with Berniemoji and Animal Crossing

Barbara Sadler – National identity and idents

Wednesday 7 July

Mats Ekström – The epistemology of live broadcast in online news: some examples and reflections

Joanna Thornborrow and Pierre Chartier – Interviewing Didier Raoult: where expertise meets accountability

Angela Smith – ‘Are we really going to do this?’ A case study of BBC1’s Celebrity Home Cook as a studio-based show in compliance with social distancing rules


Michael Higgins – Mute force and ignorance: Zoom incivilities

Martin Montgomery and Susie Shen – Oprah-Megan interview: working paper

Angela, Joanna, Martin and Michael – AOB