The Departed Pilgrim

Sir Cuthbert Sharp, ‘The Departed Pilgrim’ from Poems on a Variety of Subjects (Sunderland: The Author, 1828), pp.10-11.


Rest, O weary traveller, rest

Thy tiresome age-worn limbs;

Thou’st battled with the wild contest

Of world and worldly things.


Thy spirit now soars far away

Beyond the lucid skies;

Methinks I hear thy Saviour say,

Well done, thou’st won the prize.


Bright angels hail thee welcome home,

And place thee by their side;

Close to thy Father’s dazzling throne,

For ever to abide!!!


There joy unalter’d ever reigns,—

There pleasure never dies;

Ambrosial seats and flow’ry plains

Attract thy wond’ring eyes.


Now, sire, thy trials all are past,

The voyage of life is o’er;

And thou hast reach’d the port at last

Of heav’n’s delightful shore.