Sunderland Lighthouse

From Poems on a Variety of Subjects, by Cuthbert Sharp (Sunderland: The Author, 1828)


‘Sunderland Lighthouse’


HAST thou ne’er seen in some still night,

The glowing light-house gleam?

And hast thou seen that vivid light,

Upon the billows stream?


Or hast thou heard the wild waves roar,

And winds howl o’er the moor?

Or hast thou trod on yonder shore,

In lonely midnight hour?


Dost thou not know, in darkest night,

When storm-clouds dim the sky,

That yonder shedding stream of light

Is watch’d by many an eye?


And dost thou know, when homeward bound,

With hopes and prospects bright,

The sea-boy, gazing all around,

Looks for yon stream of light?


And when the billows foam, he’ll oft

Upon the topmast climb,

And shouting from his seat aloft –

I see the lighthouse shine.


The seamen then elate with joy,

At such a welcome sight,

Cry out, halloo! come down my boy,

We’ll be at home to night.


Till safe across yon rising bar,

Their hearts glow with delight;

They gaze on objects which by far

Surpass yon stream of light.