Conference date confirmed as Tuesday 7th June 2022

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The date for the the first SunRAE conference has been confirmed as Tuesday 07 June, 2022. The conference is offered as two streams: a live stream from 10:00 to 15:00 UK time, and a pre-recorded asynchronous stream opening at the same time. All live presentations will be recorded and uploaded so that the conference can be accessed in full afterwards.

Live, Hybrid and Asynchronous Conference Schedule

Live sessions will be recorded and made available as soon as possible afterwards

TimeLive SessionsPre-Recorded Sessions and Links
10:00Welcome and opening session LIVE launch of the SUNRAE podcast LIVE review of podcast episodes 1-7Pre-recorded welcome video Podcast season 1 launched
11:00LIVE Keynote speakerRecorded keynote to be uploaded
11:30LIVE Review of postersUploaded posters session
12:00Session 1: live presentationsUploaded presentations session
13:00Session 2: live TeachMeetUploaded TeachMeet Session
14:00LIVE launch of the SUNRAE journal Writing for the journal workshopWorkshop video to be uploaded
14:30Awards, thanks and conference close