The first seven episodes of the SunRAE podcast will go live at the #SunRAE22 conference on 07 June. It will be launched as one of the pre-recorded sessions. Each episode is approximately 20-30 minutes long, so can be accessed at any time during or after the conference.
The guests and topics for the first seven episodes include:
Episode 1:
Sarah talks about using metacognition to improve listening skills in Spanish language acquisition classes in a Hong Kong secondary school.
Episode 2:
Current PPT and graduate of the PGCE IDL programme, Greg, talks about his online teaching, research and his exciting new book project, based on his work in primary schools in China.
Episode 3:
Andrea talks about her hypothetical assignments on interventions for primary students with ASD and positive behaviour for learning in maths.
Episode 4:
Zoe talks about implementing behaviour management strategies for Year 1 students in a primary school in Germany.
Episode 5:
Laurence talks about his use of an interactive online reading scheme to provide extrinsic motivation to increase daily reading time with Grade 2 ESL students in a primary school in China.
Episode 6:
Nathalie talks about a case study of’ Heggerty Bridge the Gap’: an individualised pull-out phonemic awareness intervention for Year 2 pupils at an international school in The Philippines. She also talks about her ongoing action research into peer-assessment with Year 3.
Episode 7:
Melissa shared her hypothetical inquiry into teaching reading at KS1 using Jolly Phonics in Brunei Darussalam. She also talks about being able to apply this to her current placement in China, as well as starting her behaviour management action research.