SunGen plans – 17 September
We have come up with two ideas for future events.
Firstly, we are hoping to have a workshop in January for various people across the university (including Careers and the Students’ Union) to meet and exchange ideas for how we can/already do support student aspirations with regard to gender, employability and leadership. By sharing ‘good practice’, we hope to be able to offer advice on the best ways of encouraging students to do their best in their future careers. This workshop could include a few short presentations then a round table discussion.
Secondly, we are hoping to organise an event to mark International Women’s Day which is 8th March 2015 but we plan to do something later in the day on Friday 6th. Again, we hope that this could be an occasion to present research and enjoy a less formal discussion as the event would likely be early evening.
If you know of anyone in your team, department, or faculty who might be able to help, could you ask them to get in touch with me so I can collate responses? Also, if anyone might be interested in joining the network, then ask them to sign up to email group so they can be kept in the loop.
I am also going to develop the web site to include publications and resources, so if you want me to add any of your own publications or links to other resources, can you let me know? The simplest way would be through an addition to the Profiles, but you need to get back to me with such information before I could do this.
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