SunGen meeting 13 May 2021
We convened on Teams to catch up and plot.
- The second of the two blue plaques, which were part of a collaboration between the RaCE network and SunGen in response to the BLM movement, will be going up on the newly-restored 173 High Street West building that was once the trading premises of the Binns family. This plaque celebrates the anti-slavery work of Sunderland’s Quaker women, who influenced their shop-owning husbands to avoid stocking slave-produced goods such as sugar and cotton. Many other on-Quaker-owned businesses in Sunderland followed, and the town became well known for this particular form of anti-slavery campaign. The building that will host the plaque will be occupied by Pop Recs, so we couldn’t hope for a more appropriate home for it!
There will be a virtual unveiling on Wednesday 30th June at 1.30pm. Tickets can be obtained via Eventbrite: Tickets
- The second major item we discussed with the proposal for a third SunGen book. Drew Dalton and Angela Smith agreed to co-edit a book that looks at the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through the lens of gender and sexuality. SDG Anyone who would like to contribute a chapter should contact Angela and Drew.
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