APA updates on Cite them right

Cite them right is an excellent comprehensive guide to referencing a wide variety of sources, one that is frequently recommended to students. It is available online and as a printed book, so it’s a very convenient way to get simplified advice on referencing and guidance on how to avoid plagiarism.

Additions are frequently made to the online version & as of January 2020 over 200 source types are now available in the APA 7th edition referencing style. This reflects the most recent update to APA guidance. APA 6th edition also remains available if needed.

APA 7th edition is available to browse, as well as use via the drop down menu on a source page. Please see the below examples & have an explore of the changes online.


Screenshot browse by referencing style


Screenshot referencing style


Further referencing guidance can be found online, or if you would like to discuss your referencing queries in person please request a one-to-one, or visit a Study Skills Drop-in.

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