Author: Hilary


Safeguarding Practice Update

The Department of Health and Social Care published a new report on 28 January 2022 Revisiting Safeguarding Practice which includes guidance and the law on keeping adults safe. If you are studying social work...

Pride flag

LGBTQI+ New Archives

Studying MSc Inequality and Society? Visit our Inequality and Society Useful Resources list where we have added two new archives on LGBTQI+. The archives are both in the LGBTQI+ section and are: The Digital...


Strengths-Based Approach to Social Work

Interested in how to create a strengths-based approach in Social Work? Why not attend the free Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)’s upcoming free webinar Developing Strengths-Based Places – the Next Steps for Strengths-Based...

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Women and COVID-19

This week has marked one year since we joined the rest of the United Kingdom in locking down for the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Association of Librarians and Information Professionals in...