Criminology – SAGE Catalyst
The library has recently subscribed to a new collection of eBooks from Sage Publishing. The package includes unlimited access to many Social Science titles. You can get to Sage Catalyst from the Database Search...
The library has recently subscribed to a new collection of eBooks from Sage Publishing. The package includes unlimited access to many Social Science titles. You can get to Sage Catalyst from the Database Search...
We have lots of lovely photography books in the library collection – here is a glimpse into some of the books we have bought this year: Azoulay and Bethlehem (2015) Civil imagination: a political...
The library subscribes to the journal Critical Studies in Media Communications from 1998 onwards. This peer-reviewed journal publishes original scholarship in mediated and mass communication from a cultural studies and/or critical perspective. Articles in...
Explore these art books that we’ve bought for the library: Armitage (2022) You, who are still alive Campt (2021) A black gaze artists changing how we see Fine (2020) Color therapy: a critical introduction...
The library subscribes to Convergence (the international journal of research into new media technologies) from 1999 to the present day, with online access from 2018 onwards. This academic journal is internationally peer-reviewed and aims...
Here is a selection of photography books we have bought for the library – come and have a browse! Adams (2022) Sea stone Darch (2022) The island Misrach (2022) Richard Misrach: Notations Parks (2022)...
We are delighted to announce that we have purchased a collection of design ebooks. You can access these using your university username and password. Subjects covered by these ebooks included design activism, curating design,...
Jeet Zdung has won the 2023 Yoto Carnegie Medal for Illustration with Saving Sonya: Chang and the Sun Bear. This award is judged by children’s librarians for an outstanding book in terms of illustration...
The library has recently subscribed to a new collection of eBooks from Sage publishing. The package includes unlimited access to many titles including some we previously could not buy as eBooks. To view eBooks...
Check out these art books we have recently bought for the library: Cachia (2023) Curating access: disability art activism and creative accommodation Hessel (2022) The story of art without men Lee (2022) Decolonize museums...
Come and explore photography books purchased this year which include: Abril (2022) On rape: and institutional failure Bang (2016) Picture this: how pictures work Barker et al (2021) Trinity Bourouissa (2021) Peripherique Campany and...
The Shakespeare database is an up-to-date textual resource and includes information even on the latest feature films that have yet to be broadcast on non-subscription channels available on Box of Broadcasts such as Spielberg’s...
This week we are highlighting books we have bought on social media and public relations: Atay (2022) Social media, technology and new generations: digital millennial generation and Generation Z Collister & Roberts-Bowman (2018) Visual...
Come and see our new books on art, glass and ceramics: Hesell (2022) The story of art without men Newall and Pooke (2021) Art history: the basics Rugoff (2022) Strange clay: ceramics in contemporary...
The library subscribes to the British Journalism Review from 1999 to the present day. It is a well-regarded publication including essays and interviews which newspapers don’t reach. This journal is a forum for analysis...