Spotlight on BibliU – Additional Temporary Resource for Health Sciences and Well Being
Whilst the library buildings are closed your subject librarians have been securing extra resources to help you with your studies and research. The additional temporary resources are available online and you will need to log on to some of them using your University ID and password.
BibliU is an online platform for accessing textbooks with a simple to use interface, users are able to read books online or download eBooks via the app.
Type your subject/title into the search bar and click on any of the results to view the eBook online.
Scan the QR code to access the BibliU app or use the green ‘Help’ button at the bottom right of the screen for instructions on how to download a book to read offline.
There are some excellent eBooks freely available for Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine, Sports Science and Psychology.
See below for some examples of eBook titles returned by using a simple subject search.
Nursing (including Transforming Nursing Practice series)
A list of all additional temporary resources available during the Covid-19 period can be found at: