Getting published

As a researcher, it’s important to get your work published. It’s only at this point, that your work truly has value as it can now be communicated and considered for impact in the real world. However, I should warn you now, the game is rigged! Despite some of my early research being quite straightforward to publish, I have found in the murky world of EMULSION things have not been quite so simple. Again, EMULSION has some specific challenges but some of these will be transferable and worth bearing in mind. I’ve also learnt a lot about the process of publishing in peer-reviewed journals in general which I want to share with other early career researchers. There will be five posts in this series:

  1. Selecting your journal for publication
  2. Preparing your article for submission
  3. The waiting…
  4. The peer review process
  5. Responding to reviewers

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