Preparing your article for submission
Wouldn’t it be nice if all submission guidelines were the same? If you thought that preparing one manuscript was all you had to do, and send this off to each of the editors then...
Exploring multidisciplinary use of unlicensed medicines in primary and secondary care
Wouldn’t it be nice if all submission guidelines were the same? If you thought that preparing one manuscript was all you had to do, and send this off to each of the editors then...
As a researcher, it’s important to get your work published. It’s only at this point, that your work truly has value as it can now be communicated and considered for impact in the real...
The process of publication should really start when your research project starts. By virtue of setting out your stall about what your research is hoping to achieve, you should start thinking about who might...
The full paper for our Unlicensed Medicines Guideline Analysis was published in the International Journal of Pharmacy Practice in January 2018. The article is available in full on the journal website. You can find...