International Journal of Cosmetic Science: new subscription

The University Library has recently taken out a new subscription to the International Journal of Cosmetic Science (IJCS).

IJCS contains original peer reviewed articles presenting current scientific research in cosmetics, toiletries, perfumery and their associated fields. The Journal is published 6 times a year by The Society of Cosmetic Scientists and is available through Wiley Online Library.

To access the Journal click on Journal Titles from the Library homepage you will need to sign in with your University ID and password. Type in International Journal of Cosmetic Science and select ‘Wiley Online Library Read & Publish’

Screen shot of library homepage     Screenshot of IJSC access




From the Journal homepage check that ‘Access by University of Sunderland is visable, if not click on ‘Login/Register’ and choose ‘Institutional Login’ from the bottom of the screen. Type in University of Sunderland and select ‘UK Higher Education’ from the drop down menu.

IJSC homeoage

From the Journal homepage you will have full access to the current issue and the digital archive dating back to 1997.

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