Anatomical and scientific images you can use in your assignments (without infringing copyright)

Images from top to bottom: BioRender, PHIL, SMart, Wellcome Trust

Need some images to illustrate scientific or medical points for your assignments? Below are some links to web-based resources for finding anatomical and scientific images. Most are completely copyright free, others need attribution. Do check before using them. Here’s some examples of what we found when we searched for “lungs”.


1000s of pre-made icons and templates from more than 30 fields of life sciences. Sign up for free – no software to download. It is free for educational use but does have some caveats, so do check.

Complete Anatomy

Detailed interactive 3D models of the human body, because we hold a “site” licence you can use the images in this app with some caveats, see here for what you can share (you will need to download app and sign in with the university activation code – see the link above for details).

PHIL (Public Health Image Library)

Free, copyright cleared, images.

Servier Medical Art (SMart)

3000+ free medical images that you can use to illustrate your publications and Powerpoint presentations. All images are Creative Commons.

Wellcome images

Contains thousands of freely licensed digital books, artworks, photos and images of historical library materials and museum objects. Select “image” underneath the search box.


For more advice on copyright contact the library.

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