Resources for events, heritage and the creative industries

If you’re looking at heritage, events and the creative industries  or cultural tourism you’ll find lots of resources to contribute to your assignments.

We’ve highlighted a few below but check the Key Resources for Tourism, Hospitality & Events for more information.

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Books & ebooks

Books are a great starting point for these topics. We’ve recently purchased some interesting titles such as ‘Critical Event Studies‘ by Ian R. Lamond’Heritage, Screen and Literary Tourism‘ by Sheela Agarwal, ‘Events Management‘ by Razaq Raj  and ‘Uses of Heritage‘ by Laura Jane Smith.

When you do a search on the Library Catalogue, use a combination of keywords based on what you are searching for.

Book cover-imagineering

Book cover - edible identitiesBook cover - cultural industries

Journal articles

There are some key journal titles you may wish to look at such as ‘Journal of Travel Research‘, ‘Events Management‘ or ‘Journal of Cultural Heritage‘.
You may wish to start with a keyword search on Discover which will search all our subscribed journals at once.

If you’re looking for research on the creative industries for example,  you’ll find lots of journal articles on Discover.  A quick search on Discover specifying keywords to appear in the article title returns 711 results. You’ll get even more with a greater range of keywords.

image:creative industries search

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Market Research & Statistics

On the database IBISWorld you will find industry reports relevant to the creative industries such as one of ‘Libraries, Museums & Cultural Activities‘ or one on ‘Specialised Design Activities‘. These reports include key facts and figures, industry outlook and details on major companies. is a great website to find information on the tourism industry including analysis on destinations and economic impact.

Free web resources

Among the many unreliable things you find online it is possible to find some interesting and free resources that may be relevant to your assignments. The library collate the free resources we find on a My Module Resources list, for example:

The British Council website on the Creative Economy includes some free resources inlcuding toolkits and policy guides: 

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