One way of finding a work placement or internship is by researching companies yourself and sending a speculative letter and your CV. A speculative letter is one that inquires about the possibility of a company providing a work experience opportunity (rather than applying for an advertised position).
This approach does mean putting some hard work in but people have been known to be successful. Here is some advice on researching:
- Focus on small/medium sized companies (SMEs) as most large companies will already have fixed internship and placement programmes
- Have a clear idea of what you want to achieve from a work placement/internship
- Think about where you could you fit in? What skills do you have to offer? Does your past work experience or the focus of your studies fit with their areas of business?
- Try to be specific about the experience you want to gain
Researching Companies: What do you need to know?
If you are planning to send some speculative applications, ensure that you thoroughly research the companies to which you are applying. For more information, click: RESEARCHING COMPANIES
Below are some directories for London/UK businesses:
Once you have identified some companies you would like to approach, you’ll need to prepare a covering letter and your CV.
- Each letter and CV should be tailored specifically to each company
- Be specific about what experience you want to gain; use examples from your life to demonstrate your achievements
- Be specific about what you have to offer; you are making a proposal to them so you need to do the hard work (don’t expect them to guess what your skills are)
- Remember to focus on what you can offer them rather than what you want from them
If you would like some help with making speculative applications, please come and see in the fourth floor careers office or email:
Below are some links that may help you: