Special issue of Tourism Geographies: Visions of Travel and Tourism after the Global COVID-19

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Visions of Travel and Tourism after the Global COVID-19 Transformation of 2020

Special issue of Tourism Geographies

The most recent issue of Tourim Geographies (Vol 22, Issue 3, 2020) includes academic articles that look at the transformation of the planet following the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is not a return to a ‘normal’ that existed before – but is instead a vision of how the world is changing, evolving, and transforming into something different from what it was before the 2020 global pandemic experience. (Alan A. Lew, et.al. 2020)


Alan A. Lew, Joseph M. Cheer, Michael Haywood, Patrick Brouder & Noel B. Salazar(2020) Visions of travel and tourism after the global COVID-19 transformation of 2020, Tourism Geographies, 22:3, 455-466,DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2020.1770326

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