The events section of this site gives details of graduate recruitment fairs, jobs fairs and other industry and business events that you may find useful.

Click here to find out what’s on.


Before going to a careers or jobs fair of any kind, it is worth asking yourself a few questions and doing some preparation.

What do you want to achieve from attending this fair? 

What careers plans do you have? 

What companies do you wish to speak to? 

What do you want to ask them? 


Research the companies that will be attending and see if they offer the graduate roles that interest you and which you are eligible for  – i.e. do you have the required grades, experience and visa.

Think broadly about the types of job roles that companies offer: Marketing, HR, IT, Public Relations, Project Management, Administration, Sales –  roles such as these are available in a wide range of companies.


Prepare some questions in advance. Think about what you want to find out about this company and consider that this is also an opportunity for you to make an impression.


Don’t hang out with your friends at careers fairs! It is sometimes difficult to look professional, ask intelligent questions and make a positive impression when your mates are hanging around in the background. Be independent and go it alone.


Look smart – dress as though you are going to a job interview.

For further advice take a look at this video clip: