Accessing Halsbury’s Laws of England online
Halsbury’s Laws of England is an authoritative encyclopaedia of the law in England and Wales, and is a great place to start researching legal areas that are new to you. Halsbury’s Laws of England covers a wide range of subjects and is easily searchable both online and in print format. Individual subject areas are supported by notes referring to case law and statutory law.
You can find the Halsbury’s Laws of England historic collection (no longer updated) in print in St. Peter’s Library at 348.42022 H04, or you can access it, up to date and online through Lexis+ UK.
Access Lexis+ UK from Database Search on the Library website then go to the ‘My Sources’ tab. From here you can select Halsbury’s Laws of England from the sources list and use the search box to find your subject area.
You can also use the ‘browse’ option to look through individual volumes. Click on the + symbol next to Halsbury’s Laws of England. From here you will be able to browse individual volumes (keep clicking on the + to open each volume/section) or search all, or selected, volumes using the quick search box at the top of the screen.
For more tips on searching Halsbury’s Laws of England Use the ‘Help’ section of Lexis+ UK (located top right of the Lexis+ UK menu bar)