Disability Playlist for Social Sciences

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Studying Sociology, Social Work (Integrated Degree Apprenticeship or MastersCriminology, Health and Social Care or Professional Policing? I’ve put together a Disability BBC playlist on BoB focusing on recent programmes profiling disabilities.

Peter Wright is currently hosting BBC Radio 4’s Disability: a New History which was first broadcast back in 2013. The series looks at the lives of people with a disability in the 18th and 19th centuries and examines some of the myths and uncovers historical evidence which leads to modern identity.

In Silenced: the Hidden Story of Disabled Britain the actor, writer and presenter Cerrie Burnell examines disability rights and how disabled people fought against prejudice. Whereas Targeted the Truth about Disability Hate Crime looks at how people with disabilities encounter abuse, anger and violence in the United Kingdom. Both programmes were broadcast back in January on BBC2.

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