New Film Studies ebook bundle available

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Your library has just purchased a collection of over 200 ebooks from the BFI to support Film Studies. Some of them are recently published, such as Sue Thornham’s  2019 Spaces of women’s cinema: space, place and genre in contemporary women’s filmmaking  but there are also classics like Pam Cook’s Cinema Book, which is on the reading list for 9 different modules across performing arts and film studies.

Cover of Pam Cook's The Cinema Book

The bundle includes the Film Studies series which “brings together a rich body of titles from BFI Publishing’s pre-eminent and foundational list of books on film history, theory, national cinemas, genres, film-makers, and stars.”


There is also the Film Classics series which “introduces, interprets and celebrates landmarks of world cinema. Each volume offers an argument for the film’s ‘classic’ status, togethe

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r with discussion of its production and reception history, its place within a genre or national cinema, an account of its technical and aesthetic importance, and in many cases, the author’s personal response to the film.”

You can find all of these new books via the Library Catalogue as usual. At the moment, logging in is slightly more complicated than usual. When you’re off campus, it’s easiest to access your e-resources using Citrix. If you’re not on Citrix, however, the following steps should work:

  1. From the library catalogue record, click on ‘read online your university ID and password’.
  2. When you arrive on the publisher’s page, click on ‘Log in’
  3. On the following page, click on the Shibboleth or Institutional log in option.
  4. Search for ‘Sunderland’ in the box and choose that
  5. You should then be directed to log in as usual.

If you aren’t able to access these new books, send us a chat message and we’ll support you through the process. A refresher on how to find and access the rest of our ebooks is here.

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