Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies collection

Many publishers have temporarily lifted restrictions on access to content during the COVID-19 pandemic while university libraries are physically closed.   We have asked for access to this content to help you with your studies.

Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies collection covers:

• 400+ peer-reviewed articles on six levels of education and childhood across 25+ countries (full listing)

• Country Overview articles that provide accessible introductory information on Early Childhood EducationChildhoodYouthPrimary EducationSecondary Education, and Higher Education

• The entire Education Around the World reference series, comprising 18 volumes and covering every single country in the world.

• 80 academic eBooks on comparative and international education

• A collection of over 60 policy reports from the World Bank Group Open Knowledge Repository

• Links to external resources, educational data, and statistical information


It is searchable by Place (Country), Education Level or Topic

Searching by education level, place or topic

Searching by education level, place or topic

Or  you can use your own search terms in the search box.


Logging In

Go to the top right corner, click on ‘Log in ‘  Click on the ‘Shibboleth Login’ link in the middle of the page, select or search for ‘University of Sunderland’  and then enter your University username and password.    Now you should see at the top of the page ‘Access provided by University of Sunderland’
Here is a short video (no audio)  to help you.


These resources will only be available to you until 7th August (we secured another extension from the original end date of 30th June) so please ensure you carefully note any quotes, notes and you have the reference of the source you have used.

To browse the other temporary resources available see our page Temporary Additional Resources

If you require any support or have any further questions, please contact us at or contact us on Livechat.

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