Health Inequalities 10 Years On

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On 25 February the Health Foundation published the report Health Equity in England: the Marmot Review 10 Years On which updates the 2010 report and highlights how:

  • Health inequalities have widened rather than retracted between poorer and richer areas and areas like the North East compared with similar areas in London.
  • Life expectancy has decreased.
  • Many people will live more of their lives in poorer health.

The report focuses on five themes from the original Fair Society, Health (the Marmot Review) report which examine:

  • creating the best beginning in life for children.
  • granting people the chance to reach their potential and have power over their lives.
  • giving everybody a healthy standard of  life.
  • offering everybody good employment opportunities.
  • building healthy and sustainable towns and communities.

If you’re interested in reading this report you can find it on the Institute of Health Equity‘s website via their home page.  If you’re studying for a BSc in Health and Social Care or the MSc Inequality and Society or are just interested in this topic expand what you know through the material in our collection over the past 10 years.

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