We’ve replaced over 500 chairs in the libraries

Ready for this academic year 532 chairs across both libraries have been replaced with more a comfortable and supportive design. We have made sure to replace all 276 wooden chairs at St Peter’s with adjustable operator chairs with padded backs and seats.

New style chairs now in both libraries

wooden chairs stacked up ready for storage











During our Big Talk to the Library events we asked for your feedback on our libraries and you made it clear that comfy chairs matter! We had several comments telling us to improve the comfort and number of chairs available in response to the question; “How could the Library help with your studies at the moment?”. You told us; “While there are spots for studying the chairs are not the most comfortable meaning that studying happens more at home”. In response we’ve made sure every chair in St Peter’s Library has a more comfortable padded seat and 95% of the chairs are now adjustable.

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