Additional Pod Spaces and Screens at The Murray Library

There is a brand new pod available on the lower level of The Murray Library!

It is equipped with additional power, whiteboard, flatscreen, pc and screen sharing capabilities to make your group work more productive. You can share digital content from any laptop or mobile device using the screen just like the new screens and booths available in The Prospect building and the bookable group study room at St Peter’s Library. It is also sound proofed so that you can practice presentations and work in private.










During our Big Talk to the library events last year many students told us they wanted more pods and screened areas where they could work privately as a group. As a result we have worked to introduce this brand new pod but we have also improved the furniture within the popular ground level pod at The Murray Library by adding comfier matching chairs and new circular table for more space.










In addition we’ve introduced a hub like area on the Lower Level with access to additional power for silent individual working…








Finally we have increased the number of movable screens available on the ground level so that you can create your own areas to work in groups or study in private.



















We hope this helps improve our Learning Spaces for you at The Murray Library – please contact us at any time using Library Talk to let us know your thoughts or feedback on any of our library services and spaces.

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