Preparing for exams: hints and tips.

Let’s face it, exams are tough. But fear not, there are lots of ways you can prepare for your exams; there’s also plenty of advice and guidance available. 

Start planning your revision early. It is really useful to create a revision timetable. You could use the following free apps and online resources to help you plan your revision:

iStudiez Pro is a comprehensive schedule planner for both desktop and mobile.

MyStudyLife enables you to organise classes, tasks and revision.

RememberTheMilk is a to-do app that lets you organise your tasks with priorities, due dates and tags.

Make sure you figure out when your best times to study are.

  • Identify and use a revision technique(s) that is best for you and your learning style:

Do you prefer:

Mind-mapping, colour coding, flow-charts, recording information and listening back to it, watching videos, working with peers to explain topics to one another?

Without active, planned revision, we tend to forget over 80% of what we have learned within 3 weeks.

It’s also useful to look at past papers to test your knowledge and practice timed writing.

  • You could use the SQP4 technique to help you prepare:


SURVEY:               Know the exam format / length and question style.

QUESTION:         How do things connect?

PREDICT:              What topics could be on the exam?

PLAN:                    Revision strategies and materials.

PREPARE:            Notes, cue cards, mind maps.

PRACTICE:           Time writing.

  • When revising it’s important to take plenty of breaks.

 You could try the Pomodoro technique. This will help you to focus on tasks and take regular breaks. This is how it works! Set a timer for 25 minutes (this is a Pomodoro). Focus on a task until the timer runs out, then take a 5-minute break. Once you have done 4 Pomodoro’s, take a 30-minute break.

  •  It’s also important to stay hydrated, eat well and exercise.

Good luck in your exams!

Remember, you can come along to a study skills drop-in- Tuesday 1pm-4pm Study Skills Zone, Murray Library and Thursday 10am-1pm St Peters Library.

Or you can book a one-to-one appointment with an adviser, simply fill in the online form- One-to-one support

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