Transforming Prospect building- Additional access is available for anyone with mobility impairment during the refurbishment works

While the transformation of Prospect building takes place there is additional access and support available from the Library team for anyone with mobility impairment.

Please contact a member of library staff within the Prospect building on 0191 515 3318 and we will meet you wherever you are within the building to assist you through areas affected by the refurbishment work. This additional access is available 9am-4pm Monday to Friday.

Library staff will also be able to retrieve any items you wish to borrow in advance and assist with:

  • using lifts to get to other floors
  • getting to a specific area of shelving
  • getting books from shelves
  • searching for resources
  • using printers and photocopiers

For further info on the support services we provide for students with disabilities please see or contact us anytime using our 24 hour enquiry service Library Talk

The below map shows the area marked in yellow through which library staff will be able to escort anyone with mobility impairment during the defined times from 8th May. Look out for further updates on our library main communication channels and Library Talk frequently asked questions as the building work progresses between now and September 2018.


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