New global travel briefing from Euromonitor

What factors are influencing tourism demand in 2016? The latest Key Insights report from Euromonitor Passport provides the latest market research (including statistics and analysis on topics such as Brexit, travel sales, and mobile travel. It also offers a really useful refresher on the types of information they provide in terms of travel for example they illustrate their travel flows model, identify new new data including short term rentals and hotel price platforms and highlight the global briefings they’ve published already along with some that are still to come.

Image: Air travel


Travel 2016: New Insights and System Refresher
(Euromonitor Passport)

Market research on the travel industry is really useful information for tourism, hospitality and events students. If you access this on campus, it will log you in automatically but if you read this from off campus, you will need to login with your University User ID and password (make sure you use the Institutional Login link).

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