Travel 2018 New Insights – market research from Euromonitor

Image: Air travelEuromonitor Passport (one of our international market research databases) has released a new briefing report 2018 Travel Insights.

This report summarises key trends in the travel and tourism industry with topics such as over-tourism, brand success and different accommodation types such as airbnb included. It is a detailed report with statistics and analysis.Along with the report there are a number of expert opinion articles on Euromonitor Passport to analyse the data provided in the report.


Never used market research before?

The data and analysis is provides is really valuable in terms of your assignment but it also looks really great on your CV. The databases we subscribe to are industry standard databases, and searching them is a skill that you can use as an advantage in your employment. If you worked for a company you could pay hundreds or even thousands of pounds for one market research report. You have access to them for free while you’re a student – so make the most of them!

Accessing Market Research FAQs

How do I know what database to search?

If you’re not sure what database to search when you’re looking for market research, you can always check your subject key resources pages. The gif below demonstrates how to check…
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Where do I go to access specific databases such as Euromonitor?

On the library web page choose Databases A-Z and search for the database you wish to access. When you click on it you may be asked to login with your University User ID and password.


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