Tourism in the news….

Maze (Ashley Batz on Unsplash)

There’s been a fair amount of news about the effects of tourism on local residents and on the environment and last night the focus of the BBC Radio 4 programme Moral Maze, was ‘The Morality of Holidays‘.

If this is a topic that interests you and you missed the show last night you can listen to it on BBC iPlayer.

Academic Journals…

You will find academic journal articles about local residents and tourism destinations on Discover. Below are just a few examples:

Tourism in the news…

If you want to read some news articles about this you can find quite a few from this week:

City Travel Reports…

Euromonitor Passport publish City Travel Reports with analysis and statistics, and if you are interested in tourism in Barcelona you will find such a report by searching the Travel industry section of Euromonitor.

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